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What is Podiatry?
Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the lower limb. We combine Podiatry with Osteo, Exercise Physio and Remedial Massage. The idea is that we want everything functioning right, and working together is the key to making sure that happens.
Your appointment
Your initial appointment will take 60 minutes and include:
Subjective Assessment
Physical Examination and Diagnosis
Video Gait + Pressure Assessment
Foot and Ankle Strength Assessment
Individualised Recovery Plan
Footwear Advice and Education
Custom Orthoses Scan and Prescription if necessary
What to Bring:
Ideally wear something comfortable such as shorts (or tights) and t-shirt, trainers
and examples of any commonly worn shoes and any old orthotics.
Treatment for
Biomechanical assessments
Paediatric Podiatry
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