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Welcome to Necessity Health

Start your Necessity Health journey!

Move well, feel great!

We will help you go

from this

to this.

We will help you


Osteopathy is a detailed, holistic, hands-on physical therapy for a wide range of conditions. It is a growing profession that is internationally recognised and is a evidence-based and evidence-informed complementary medical practice. Osteopathy is a great place to start your Necessity Health journey.

Exercise Physiology

Osteopathy and Exercise Physiology is a match made in heaven. We combine top level hands-on treatment with the expertise of our Exercise Physiology team, to help people feel better than they have in years. Get started now to move well and feel great. Exercise Physiology is a great place to start your Necessity Health journey.

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Massage Therapy

Remedial massage is a hands-on treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow for a variety of ailments. Massage Therapists identify biomechanical dysfunction, and work on muscles and other soft tissues to relieve tension and stress in order to promote well-being. Get started now to move well and feel great. Massage Therapy is a great place to start your Necessity Health journey.


Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the lower limb. We combine Podiatry with Osteo, Exercise Physio and Remedial Massage. The idea is that we want everything functioning right, and working together is the key to making sure that happens. Get started now to move well and feel great. Podiatry is a great place to start your Necessity Health journey.


Dry Needling

Evidence-based dry needling therapy involves the application of acupuncture needles in specific tender spots, often referred to as trigger points. Get started now to move well and feel great.

Paediatric Care

At Necessity Health we have many services available to children. From Osteopathy to Speech Therapy.

Kids Running

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What we treat

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Our Team

Our Necessity Health team is committed to providing you the best quality care. Check out who makes up our team!

About us

Necessity Health is a multi-disciplinary allied health practice that offers a wide range of services for treatment of a long list of problems.

Join the team

We are always on the look for the perfect members for our team! Follow the link to apply!

What to expect

Not sure what to expect at Necessity health? Click the link to learn more

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